Portfolio Projects

My Projects

Crypto view app
Crypto view app

Live crypto buy and sell and current market news

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Snake bite and antidote prediction system
Snake bite and antidote prediction system

It is the machine learnig web application used to predict the snake name based on the bite structure of the snake

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Num puzz console game
Num puzz console game

This is the console puzzel game developed in C programming. used DSA skill showcase project.

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Weather web app
Weather web app

Real time weather web application using nodejs and ejs as frontend

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Portfolio website
Portfolio website

My portfolio website developed using CSHTML/CSS/JS as frontend and .Net core as backend. SQLserver as a database tech.

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QR code generator
QR code generator

This is the qr code generator app created using python library.

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This is the console project which is developed using the python library, used to search the things using vice command

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Salary price prediction
Salary price prediction

Salary price prediction based on historical data. it is the linear regration model and python as programming laguage used

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